Playing with what we see ...

Dear Reader
Ok ... so now I am exploring and beginning to get a handle on this whole blogging thing.
But I am finding that one of the downfalls of being a procrastinator is that I am incredibly indecisive and can't even decide on a theme - so get used to this changing often - much like the furniture in my living room ;)
Finding the right theme for this blog is important to me because it is like the 'face' that I am showing to the world.
Much like how we display our physical bodies to those around us.
What we wear, how we style our hair, the make up we use (or not) ... it is all a part of the 'theme' or 'cover' that we choose to use to express who we are and what we want others to believe about us.
Why is this so important?
Why do we spend so much time worrying about the 'look' we portray? (Well some of us do anyway - I have always envied those who just don't really give a shit about what others think - how easy would life be with that attitude!?)
I have spent the better part of my life being the person who has worried about what others think of me or how they view me.  Am I too big?  Does my butt look big in this? Is my hair too frizzy or is it the wrong colour?  Am I enough?
Why is it ok for us to go through life with these concerns?  Why is it ok for society and the media and so much around us confirm these insecurities?
How do we become that person who just doesn't give a shit?
I have found that as I get older I am becoming more and more comfortable with who I am and what I look like - but I still find myself looking in the mirror wondering who that person is looking back at me and trying to figure out how to disguise that nose or double (triple) chin or what outfit will make my arse look smaller. (or lately what's with those wrinkles and stray facial hairs!? Ugh!)
Did it start the day my mother patted my butt in front of one of my first boyfriends and said I had good child bearing hips? (cringe) or did it start once I became aware of those perfect creatures in the magazines and on TV who looked like they had the perfect life? (little did I know then about the coffee and cocaine diets that most of them were on in the 80's!?)
Who knows and what does it really matter?
I am who I am and have the hang ups and expectations that I have - these have created me.
BUT ... ... the one thing that I have strived for most in my adult life is that my two beautiful, gorgeous, sassy and independent daughters don't have this view of themselves.
And I don't think that they do? Not to the same extent I had growing up anyway.
I hope they do believe me when I tell them they are beautiful and perfect and amazing and brave and glorious - as well as when I tell them they are sassy and tough and sometimes just little bitches!
But isn't that what we want for our children! No one wants their child to be a push over - and these two certainly aren't - which makes me so proud of who they are!
Ok - this just went of in a totally different tangent than when I started - but I did warn you about my ramblings.
Lets just a ponder this ... How do you view yourself?  what 'image' do you put out there of yourself and does it match the 'image' you have of yourself?
Are you someone who worries about what others think or are you someone who just doesn't give a shit - cause if you are the latter then I want to know your secret - please :)
Until next time ...


"A rock is a rock is a rock - no matter what way we look at it - it's still a rock"


  1. FYI on your theme. I'd like to see your face:-) cos I like your face lol. Also, I actually think I managed to quite like myself for quite a few years, my personality, my look, well for the most part. Now that I have had a bit of a physical transformation I love myself just as much but that was easy cos I think I already did. I dont even know if that makes sense:-)

    1. Don't worry - you will see my face soon enough ... I'm working up to that ;) hehe


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